Create Proposed Purchase Orders page

Create a proposed purchase order by filling the required fields. Upon completion, the purchase order negotiation can commence. To gain access to the Notes and the Allowances and Charges tabs, the proposed purchase order must be saved or published

The Company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which the parts are to be sent.
Buyer Contact
The name of the customer contact (planner) associated with the proposed purchase order.
Proposed PO Number
The proposed purchase order number associated with the requirement.
Proposed PO Date
The date the proposed purchase order was created.
Deliver To
The address of the location to which the parts are to be delivered.
Release Number
Number associated to the file in which the purchase order was sent.
Generation Date
The date the proposed purchase order was generation.
Contact Email
Name of the customer contact associated with the purchase order.
Contact Phone Number
Telephone number at which the customer contact can be reached.
Method of Payment
Payment terms for transportation charges.
Terms of Discount/Sale
A discount percentage determined by the customer and supplier prior to purchasing goods. Available to the customer if an invoice is paid on or before the Terms Discount Due Date.
Supplier Acceptance Generates Discrete PO
On the acceptance of the proposed purchase order by the supplier a discrete PO is generated automatically.
Order Number
The number used to keep record of the proposed purchase order.
Tax ID
Number assigned to a company by a taxing jurisdiction (state, county, etc.). This number can be the same as the Tax Exempt ID number.
Tax Exempt
Yes/No Indicates if the customer is exempt or not.
Tax Exempt ID
Number assigned to a customer by a taxing jurisdiction (state, county, etc.). This number can be the same as the Tax ID number.
State Tax
Tax percentage charged per the state taxing jurisdiction.
City Tax
Tax percentage charged per the city taxing jurisdiction.
County Tax
Tax percentage charged per the country taxing jurisdiction.
Add as many line items by pressing add. The copy function allows for mass insertion of the same part. Delete will remove unwanted line items by checking the box next to the row or on the header row, which will select all the lines within the table.
Line Number
The number given to a line item.
Customer Part
Part number as established by the customer.
Supplier Part
Part number as established by the supplier.
Required Date
The due date for the parts. This date can be the date the parts are to be shipped, or the date the parts are to be delivered.
The number of parts required by the customer.
Unit of Measurement (U of M)
Indicates how the part is ordered; for example, by individual unit, hundreds, thousands, foot, yards, gallons, pair, etc. Common unit of measure abbreviations are EA (each), PC (piece), HU (hundreds), TH (thousands).
Unit Price
Price of the part per specified unit of measure.
Ext. Price
The total price of the line item. Extended price is the unit price multiplied by ordered quantity. This data is can be sent by the customer or calculated by the system. The total extended price must be sent by the customer.