About Orders

Orders are requests to produce a quantity of an end item before a certain due date/due time. They fall into two categories: sales orders and production orders based on finished product inventory. The overview window displays orders present within the work area. The overview window shows orders as well as key attributes, such as description, quantity and percent of the order quantity that is scheduled.

You can open up to four Orders overview windows.

Note:  Orders do not show on the planning board until they are scheduled.

From the Orders overview window, to view the inflow batches that are associated with a selection of orders in the planning board, select orders and click the Planning Board button:

Alternatively, to view the whole network, while holding down the Alt key, click the Planning Board button.

After selecting one or more orders, if you click the Create inflow button, the Create inflow dialog box is displayed. If you want to delete inflow, select one or more orders, click the Delete inflow button, and confirm whether you want to delete all relevant inflow.

Note: Infor Production Scheduling does not duplicate any inflow batches linked to the original orders. You need to do that yourself.


These tabs are displayed in the Order entry dialog box.

  •  General tab - This tab contains generic information for orders.
  •  Batches tab - This tab allows you to view the details of batches created for an order. It is not editable.
  •  Custom Fields tab - This tab allows you to edit values for custom fields that you have defined in the Preferences dialog box. Since custom fields are mostly used for interfaces, it is unlikely that you will want to do this: these values are mostly read and written without any modification taking place in Infor Production Scheduling.
  •  Status Attributes tab - This tab allows you to set individual status attributes thus customizing a status.
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