About Distributing Process Batches

Distribute Process Batches is similar to Schedule Process Batches and both functions allow you to schedule process batches. Distribute Process Batches may also split process batches simultaneously as it schedules. The difference between the two functions becomes clear when a batch is too large to fit into the available time slot. Schedule Process Batches simply shifts the whole batch to the next available time slot whereas Distribute Process Batches splits off the part of the batch that fits in the available time slot and shifts the remaining part to the next available time slot. In determining whether to split the batch, the parameters such as time periods, downtime, locked or unselected batches are considered. Distribute Process Batches works more effectively for batches with a process flow method defined by an outflow rate than for batches with a fixed duration.

  • If you distribute a batch that is on a combination group, only the first resource of the combination group is distributed.
  • Batch size constraints are not taken into account when using distribute process batches.

These tabs are displayed in the Distribute Process Batches window:

  • General: Contains generic information for distributing process batches including restrictions and join options.
  • Split options: Contains information related to splitting the process batches.
  • Join options: Contains information related to joining the process batches.

When distributing a process batch around an unavailable resource, you can keep the split batches linked, in these consequences:

  • The planning board shows a visual link.
  • No changeover or setup time is inserted between the linked batches. You can override this configuration using the user-defined setup or user-defined changeover status attributes.
  • Re-allocating one batch in the planning board affects all the linked batches.
  • When further splitting the linked batches, you can keep the sub-parts linked using the link split batches option.
  • When joining selected batches, among which some are linked batches, you can choose to join linked batches only using the linked only option.
  • The split link can be displayed in the overview window.
  • The split link can be imported and exported using these interfaces:
    • Process batch interface
    • Tank batch interface
  • You can insert other batches between linked split batches. The setup and changeover between the linked split batch and the non-linked split batch follow the standard setup and changeover calculations.
  • The linked split batch setup and changeover calculation work with the same logic as transition rules.
  • The solver takes linked split batches in account:
    • Optionally, the current sequence from the planning board is preserved from zero to the entire sequence duration.
    • You can insert other batches between linked split batches.
In the split options tab, you can select these rounding types:
  • discrete product unit: The split batches are rounded down to the nearest discrete quantity.
  • min/inc quantity: The split batches are rounded down to the nearest quantity that adheres to the minimum or increment quantity constraints of their process steps.
  • none: No rounding is applied to the split batches.
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