Shipping Processing Line/Release

Use this form to view the line/releases for a particular order so that you can decide which line/releases you want to process with the batch of orders displayed on the Shipping Processing Orders form.

Note:  If either the Customer Order Credit Hold field or the Customer Credit Hold field is selected, the system does not let you ship customer orders.

Orders or lines will not be batch processed if a letter of credit is required and the order does not have one, or if the shipping date is past the LCRs expiration date, or if the accumulated value of the order being shipped added to the accumulated shipped value exceeds the letter of credit amount.

If the customer does not require a letter of credit but a letter of credit does exist for this order, you will receive warning messages under the same circumstances as above, but shipping will continue.

If you open this form by clicking the Shipping/Processing Line Rel button on the Shipping Processing Orders form, this field is filtered to show the current batch on the Shipping Processing Orders form. If you open this form independently, you can browse all batches.

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