Using key query to search for non-zero values

Key query and zero suppression are similar, but with an important difference. Key Query actively searches for non-zero values to display. Zero suppression hides zero values which are returned by the combination of elements which you select.

You run Key Query on a single dimension. If no non-zero values are returned by the combination of elements you select, use Key Query. Key Query looks for an element in the dimension which, in combination with the currently selected elements of the other dimensions, will return one or more non-zero values.

You can run Key Query in the Dimension Browser or, on the column and row dimensions, in the Define Alea Ad-hoc Report dialog.

Note: For speed, OLAP Server only makes a 'best guess' at which elements will yield non-zero results in combination with the other active elements. So, some elements returned may still yield an empty set in combination with the other active elements. However, although the Key Query function may include an invalid element, it never excludes valid elements.