First location

To specify a default Alea ad-hoc report in the first location:

  1. Create or select a report to use as the default. The report must have the same name as the cube on which it is based.
  2. In a file explorer, browse to and open the Alea.ini file.
    The default location is: <CommonAppDataFolder>\Infor\BI\OLAP. For example: C:\ProgramData\Infor\BI\OLAP.
  3. Note the filepath specified in the DBROOT key in the [INIT] section of Alea.ini.
    For example: DBRoot=C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infor\BI.
  4. Browse to the location specified in the DBRoot key. There is a folder for each database. For example, Best_Practices_Templates_OLAP.
    If the database is hosted on 'localhost', copy the default report to the database folder. For example: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infor\BI\Best_Practices_Templates_OLAP\[default_report.alv]

    If the database is hosted anywhere other than 'localhost', create a folder and subfolder in the DBRoot path. The folder must have the same name as the server on which the database is located. The subfolder must have the same name as the database.

  5. Copy the default report into the subfolder. For example: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infor\BI\Server001\Best_Practices_Templates_OLAP\[default_report.alv]

    If you want to use the report only as a default report, you can delete it from Office Plus once you have copied it. Or, move it to the folder structure instead of copying it.