Navigating in Ad-hoc reports

In an Ad-hoc report, you can vary the data displayed by selecting different slice elements and by expanding and collapsing the dimensions which form the columns and rows of the report.

See Choosing slice elements in Formula and Ad-hoc reports.

Changes to the element selection in a report are reflected in the Structure Selection pane of the List Designer. And, changes you make in the List Designer affect the data displayed in a report.

See List Designer.

Drill down/expand

When a dimension is used to form the columns or rows of a report, its top-level element (for example, All Products or All Years) is displayed. Elements with a plus sign (+) can be expanded or drilled-down to reveal further elements.

Expanding maintains the hierarchical view of the dimension. As you display elements at lower levels, the elements at the higher levels remain visible.

Drilling down displays all the elements at the next level down, without displaying the parents.

You can drill down and expand in charts.


To expand or collapse elements, double-click the element name or right-click and select Expand or Collapse.
Note: Lists structured with advanced structure selection functions (for example, Range, Periods to Date) cannot be collapsed

See Structure Selection functions.

Drill down/roll up

To drill down, right-click an element name and select Drill Down. Only the children of the parent are displayed at the next level. To roll the elements back up, right-click and select Roll Up.

Reset list

To return a list to its original state, right-click an element and select Reset List. For the Measures dimension this resets the list and displays the default element. For the remaining dimensions, the list is reset and displays the root element.