Designing Ad-hoc reports

The methods of designing Ad-hoc reports are the same, whichever method was used to create them.

SeeAd-hoc reports.

Design tasks are:

  • Specifying the slice-dimensions
  • Specifying the elements of the slice-dimensions
  • Specifying which dimensions form the rows and columns of the report
  • Specifying the orientation of the slice dimensions

There are two ways in which to design an Ad-hoc report:

  • Drag and drop in the report
  • The Ad-hoc Report Designer

These two methods are complementary. Use them according to your preference.

You can also use the Select Slice-dimensions dialog.

Working with the Ad-hoc Report Designer

To open the Ad-hoc Report Designer, press Ctrl + D or enable it in the Panes group on the ribbon.

When you drag a dimension from the Ad-hoc Report Designer over a dimension in the report, a red outline is shown on the dimension underneath. This indicates that the dimension can be dropped. If the whole dimension underneath is outlined, it will be replaced by the dimension dropped on it. If only a portion at the end of the dimension is outlined, the dropped dimension will be placed next to it. In this way, you can have two or more dimensions in the column and row positions.

To remove a dimension without replacing it, drag it from the report into the Ad-hoc Report Designer.

You can drag lists from and to the different sections of the Ad-hoc Report Designer. To exchange the lists forming the rows or columns, drag a dimension from the report to the row or column section of the Ad-hoc Report Designer. Release the mouse button when the mouse pointer changes to the Transpose pointer . When the mouse pointer changes to the Add list to column or row pointer , the list is added to the row or column.

To remove lists from the Slice-dimensions, Row or Column sections, select them and press <Del>.

Working with Drag and drop

You can add, remove and exchange dimensions in the report by dragging dimensions from the Ad-hoc Report Designer to the report. Or you can drag them from the Slice-dimensions, Rows and Columns sections of the Ad-hoc Report Designer. You can drag dimensions from one position to another within the report.

Working with the Slice-dimensions dialog

Click Slice-dimensions in the Ad-hoc Report group on the ribbon. Add or remove slice-dimensions by selecting or clearing their check boxes.

The column and row dimensions cannot be selected.

Click the green tick icon to select all dimensions. Click the red cross icon to clear selected dimensions.

To select elements using the full text search, enter the search text and click Find All. Click Find Next or Find Previous to scroll through the results. Click Find in Previous Result to search within the results returned by the previous search.