Creating an Ad-hoc report from the ribbon

This method has options which give you control of the initial view of the data presented in the report. However, one of the options is to use the default Ad-hoc report. This option disables the other options and so the resulting report is the same as would be created by the other methods of creating an Ad-hoc report.

To create a report from the ribbon:

  1. Click New Ad-hoc Report in the Office Plus group.
    The New Ad-hoc Report dialog is displayed.
  2. Expand the database alias and select the cube on which to base the report.
  3. Click Options.
  4. Clear the Use default Ad-hoc report check box.
  5. Select the dimension to form the columns of the report.
  6. Select the dimension to form the rows of the report.
  7. Select one of these options from the Slice-dimensions list.
    Option Description
    All dimensions All remaining dimensions will be displayed as slice-dimensions
    All hierarchies All remaining hierarchies will be displayed as slice-dimensions
    Add manually No slice-dimensions will be displayed. Slice-dimensions can be added to the report manually.
  8. Optionally, select Use template and click the browse button to display the Choose Template dialog. Choose a template and click OK.
  9. Click OK.
    The Ad-hoc report is displayed.