Cell notes

This topic relates to ad-hoc reports on Infor BI OLAP and Infor CPM Relational database providers, and to ad-hoc reports that are converted to cell-based formula reports.

See Alias types.

To add or display cell notes, the Show cell notes option must be enabled in the Options dialog.

See Options.

Plain text and formatted celll notes are supported.

To use formatted cell notes, the Support formatted notes option must be enabled on the Advanced tab of the Edit Database Alias dialog.

See Creating a database alias.

In the Cell Note Editor, you can add notes to the data cells of Ad-hoc reports and of Cell Based and Excel Aggregated reports.

To display the Cell Note Editor, double-click the data cell in which to insert a note, or which contains the note to view or edit.

In Ad-hoc reports, and in Values reports to which they are converted, cell notes are indicated by a red triangle in the cell and are displayed as tool tips when the mouse rests on the cell. In Values reports, you cannot open the Cell Note Editor or insert or edit cell notes.

In Cell Based and Excel Aggregated reports, cell notes are not indicated and no tooltip is displayed. But you can double-click cells containing notes to view and edit them in the Cell Note Editor.

Cell notes are not displayed or accessible in Query Based reports.

The Cell Note Editor has standard toolbar buttons to format and align text.

The Cell Properties button displays information that can be useful in debugging and optimizing cube rules.

See Cell coordinates and rule optimization.

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