About Global Preferences

The Global Preferences window enables you to define the settings for all users.

Only user with an administrator role can access this window. See About Users.

These tabs are displayed in the Global Preferences window:

  • General: Use this tab to specify the name of the company, plant and the model. You can also define other settings such as the start and exit macros and maximum days to retain the log history.
  • Regional Settings: Use this tab to define the region-specific settings such as the standard unit, the time and decimal format. The setting may vary by country or region.
  • Backup Settings : Use this tab to configure the backup settings which can be used for manual or automatic backups.
  • Data Sources: Use this tab to add or delete the data sources. You can also modify the parameters such as the data source name, connection string, schema name and so on.
  • Custom Fields: Use this tab to identify the fields that are specific to your model. The field names are listed under the corresponding tabs such as the process batch, tank batch, process step, product, order, end item and so on. The data that you specify for these entities is only used in certain customer-specific calculations. The search function does apply to them.
  • Macro Schedules: Use this tab to configure the schedules that are used to run the macros automatically.
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