Receive Transaction

You can use the Receive transaction to receive items. You can receive items by order lines or by packages. You can use this transaction for purchase orders, distribution orders, manufacturing orders, by product, customer return. The receive line screen can be configured to use the directed put away logic of M3 to suggest a destination for items that are received.

Receive by package is supported for Purchase Orders and Distribution Orders. For Purchase Orders a package receipt is automatically triggered for three transactions:

  1. Stage the package
  2. Receive the ASN that the package is connected to and
  3. Putaway the package.

You can also report return of manufacturing order or by-product.

See Configuring Receive Transaction Parameters, for more information about configuring this transaction.

This transaction is composed of three screens:

To open the Receive transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the Receive transaction from the main menu.

Note: Any time you are scanning an item number, you have the option of scanning an alias instead.

Search screen

Use this screen to search for order lines to receive, or to scan a specific package to receive.

See Using the Search Screen.

Search screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field From date Numeric value (single)

Set to N ((= no of days back in time), the parameter will list order lines with departure date <= Today - N days.

14 300
Default data for input field Order type

BY: Manufacturing order By-product

CR: Customer Return

DO: Distribution Order

MO: Manufacturing Order

PO: Purchase Order

ALL: All order types

Default data for input field Status (BY) Numeric value (range) 00-90 00-99
Default data for input field Status (MO) Numeric value (range) 00-79 00-99
Default data for input field Status (PO) Numeric value (range) 40-75 15-49
Default data for input field To date Numeric value (single)
Note: Set to N (= no of days forward in time), parameter will list order lines with departure date <= Today + N days.
14 300
Default data for input field Work center Any work center DRILL01 Blank
Search field search sequence

1: Supplier(PO/DO)

2: Delivery (PO/DO)

3: Order (ALL)

4: Item (ALL)

5: Lot ( DO/MO/BY/CR)

6: Container (DO)

7: Package (PO/DO)

8: Report no (MO/BY)

9: Work center (MO/BY)

10: Customer (CR)

11: Receiving No (CR)

2;3;4 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11
Sequence of filter fields

1: Search (ALL)

2: Order type (ALL)

3: Supplier (PO/DO)

4: Delivery (PO/DO)

5: Order (ALL)

6: Item (ALL)

7: Lot (DO/MO/BY/CR)

8: Container (DO)

9: Package (PO/DO)

10: Report no (MO/BY)

11:  Work center (MO/BY)

12: Customer (CR)

13:  Receiving No (CR)

2;1;6 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Receive Transaction Parameters: Search.

Lines screen

Use this screen to select an order line to receive. The order lines displayed on this screen reflect the results of the search performed on the Search screen.

See Using the Lines Screen.

Lines screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering.

1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Receive Transaction Parameters: Lines.

Receive Line / Return Line screen

Use this screen to report the receipt of an order line.

See Using the Receive Line Screen.

Receive Line / Return Line screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report (MO+BY)

1: Receipt (return can be triggered by input negative quantity)

2: Return (return is triggered regardless of the quantity input-positive or negative)

 2 1
API warnings to suppress (BY)


Note: Example ”1;2;4” will send ”1” in DSP1, DPS2 and DSP4 API fields.
1;4;6 Blank
API warnings to suppress (MO)


Note: Example ”1;2;4” will send ”1” in DSP1, DPS2 and DSP4 API fields.
1;4;6 Blank
Attribute sequence numbers to include Numeric value (multi or range) 10-30;50;90 Blank
Attribute validation

0: No validation. Any value is allowed.

1: Validation. Any value is allowed. A warning is displayed if a non-valid value is entered.

2: Validation. Only valid values are allowed.

Note: For alphanumeric attributes (type 1) the M3 setting Allow Blank controls if Blank is a valid value. For other attribute types Blank is not a valid value.
2 0
Auto confirm input field data

Input fields:

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

6: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.  
  • If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
  • The setting for 8 (Attributes) applies to all attributes.
 1=B;5=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Date format Exp/Prod Date















15: YYMM

16: MMYY

Note:  For 13-16, DD is set as the last day of the month.
1 7
Generate new lot for every receipt (MO)

0: No

1: Yes

Note: 1: Always retrieve a new lot number for items with auto lot numbering without using the lot from MO head (if existing).
1 0
Mandatory input fields

The mandatory input fields:

1: Container (container method 7)

2: Attributes

The following input fields are always mandatory when displayed:

  • Item
  • Lot
  • Container (container method 1-6)
  • Quantity
  • To location
  • Packaging
  • Exp Date/Prod Date
  • Catch Weight
1;2 Blank
Sequence of input fields

1: Item

2: Lot

3: Container

4: Quantity

5: To Location

6: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

7: Packaging

8: Catch Weight

9: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

Note:  For attribute method 3, only attributes with error are displayed.
5;2;3;1;4 1;2;3;7;4;8;5;6
Suggest data for input field Container

Any container


Note: *AUTO* is only applicable for container method 7. For container method 1-6 suggested value is Blank if this parameter is set to *AUTO*.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Exp Date

0: Blank

1: Current date + shelf life

0 1
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as *AUTO* and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

  • If set to *SYS: Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity. When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed).
  • If set to *AUTO*: Packaging is retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field is suggested with *AUTO* until quantity is confirmed). If quantity is re-confirmed packaging is retrieved again and the suggested packaging is updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with something else than *AUTO*). If no packaging is retrieved from M3, then the field is Blank and not confirmed.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field Prod Date

0: Blank

1: Current date

0 1
Suggest data for input field SSCC

1: Blank (auto generate)

2: Same as package

2 1
Suggest data for input field Status bal ID (MO+BY) 1, 2 or 3 1 2
Suggest data for input field To Location

Any location

*SYS (system directed)

Verify input field suggested data

Input fields:

1: Quantity

2: To Location

3: Lot (MO/BY/CR)

4: Exp Date/Prod Date (PO/MO/BY)

5: Container

6: Packaging

7: Attributes (PO/MO/BY)

The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
  • If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.
  • The setting for 7 (Attributes) applies to all attributes. For alphanumeric attributes C/D function like B and F/G/H/I work like E.
1=F;2=B 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Receive Transaction Parameters: Receive Line.

Receive Package screen

Use this screen to report the receipt of a package.

For Purchase Orders a package receipt is automatically triggered for three transactions:

  • Stage the package
  • Receive the ASN that the package is connected to and
  • Putaway the package

See Using the Receive Package Screen.

Receive Package screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

Input field:

1: To Location

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
 1=B 1=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Suggest data for input field To Location Any location RECEIVING Blank
Verify input field suggested data

Input field:

1: To Location


The user can set the value of the fields to:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • If no data is suggested, the value A is defaulted.
  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
1=B 1=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Receive Transaction Parameters: Receive Package.