User Settings Transaction

You can use the User Settings transaction to update the user information such as the facility, warehouse and the printer settings.

See Configuring User Settings Transaction parameters, for more information about configuring this transaction.

To access the user settings transaction, select a transaction profile associated with this transaction from the main menu. The screen displays the current facility, warehouse and printers (Labels and Documents) linked to the user, in a pair of parenthesis.

Report screen Parameters: Use this screen to update user information for the logged on user. Changing facility and warehouse will update M3 while printers are stored in Factory Track.

User Settings transaction parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field Facility Any Facility B01 Blank
Default data for input field Printer-Docs Any Printer
Note: This printer is suggested when printing delivery documents if there is no printer set in the specific profile.
Default data for input field Printer-Labels Any Printer
Note: This printer is suggested when printing labels if there is no printer set in the specific profile.
Default data for input field Warehouse Any Warehouse 002 Blank
Sequence of input fields

1: Facility

2: Warehouse

3: Printer-Labels

4: Printer-Docs

1;2 1;2;3;4
Note: If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.
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