Pick and Pack Transaction

You can use the Pick and Pack transaction to pick, pack, pick and pack, or replenish items. For individual pick list lines, you can perform these actions:

  • move to pack location with or without packing
  • move to dock location with or without packing
  • pack without moving

For pick lists, you can perform these actions:

  • move to pack location
  • move to dock location
  • confirm issue

For more information about customizing this transaction, see Configuring Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters.

This transaction is composed of six screens:

To open the Pick and Pack transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the Pick and Pack transaction from the main menu.

Note:  Any time you are scanning an item number, you have the option of scanning an item alias number instead.

Search Pick Lists screen

Use this screen to search open pick lists based on a number of filter fields. Scan or enter delivery/suffix to retrieve data for a specific pick list.

Search Pick Lists screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field Equipment

Any equipment

P1 Blank (no default)
Default data for input field From Date

Numeric value (single)

Note: If the value of the parameter is set to N, pick lists that meet the following criteria are listed; Departure date >= Today - N days.
5 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field From Time

The data input for this field:

  • Specific time in format HH.MM (24 hour clock), or
  • N; where N=No of hours back from current time.
  • If set in format HH.MM: From Time only applies to the From Date. For days between From Date and To Date the selection is not affected.
  • If set in format N: Any configured From Date is ignored.

07.10 (7.10am)

3 (-three hours)

Blank (include all)
Default data for input field No of Lines per Pick List

Numeric value (single))

Note: Set this to "1-1" to include only single line pick lists
5-10 Blank (no limit)
Default data for input field No of pick lists

Numeric value (range)

Note:  This parameter sets the maximum number of pick lists and controls the number of pick lists to be auto selected in the Pick Lists screen. This parameter works in combination with parameter Default data for input field No of pick list lines and the one that selects the least number of pick lists will apply.
3 1
Default data for input field No of Pick List Lines

Numeric value (single)

This parameter sets the maximum number of pick list lines and controls the number of pick lists to be auto selected in the Pick Lists screen.

Note: This parameter works in combination with parameter Default data for input field No of pick lists and the one that selects the least number of pick lists that is applicable.
30 Blank (no limit)
Default data for input field Pack status

Numeric value (multi)

10;20 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field Pick status

Any numeric (multi values)

40;60 40;50;60
Default data for input field Order type
  • CO: Customer Order
  • DO: Distribution Order
  • REPL: Replenishment Order
  • MO: Manufacturing Order
  • RO: Requisition Order
  • WO: Work Order
  • ALL: All order types except Replenishment Order
Note:  Replenishment (REPL) cannot be combined with any other order type.
Default data for input field Route

Any route

ROUT66 Blank (no default)
Default data for input To date

Numeric value (single)

Note: If the value of the parameter is set to N, pick lists that meet the following criteria are listed: Departure date <= Today + N days.
5 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field To Time

Specific time in format HH.MM (24 hour clock)


N where N=No of hours from current time

  • If set in format HH.MM: To Time only applies to the To Date. For days between From Date and To Date the selection is not affected.
  • If set in format N: Any configured To Date is ignored.

17.10 (5.10pm)

4 (+four hours)

Blank (include all)
Default data for input field Zone

Any zone (multi or range)



Blank (include all)
Sequence of input fields

The sequence of input fields:

1: Order Type

2: Zone

3: Delivery

4: Route

5: Equipment

6: Customer

7: Shipment

8: Wave

1;3 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters: Search Pick Lists.

Pick Lists screen

Use this screen to list open pick lists based on the search performed in the Search Pick Lists screen.

Actions move to pack/dock (with/without packing):

  • Pick lists where no of lines with “line pick status = pick list pick status” is > 0 are listed
  • No filter on number of lines to pack

Action only packing:

  • Pick lists where no of lines with “quantity remaining to pack > 0” is > 0 are listed
  • No filter on number of lines to pick

Print Delivery Documents:

  • No filter on number of lines to pick or pack

The selection of pick lists are sorted in this sequence:

  • Picker
  • Picking sequence
  • Delivery date/time
  • Delivery
  • suffix

Pick lists assigned to current user are displayed first, then pick lists with blank picker (does not apply for action Print Del Docs where all pick lists are listed regardless of assigned picker).

User can select one or multiple pick lists from the list.

Pick Lists screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Next

1: Display the Pick List Lines screen

2: Display the Report Pick List screen

3: Print delivery documents

Note:  If value is set as 3, a specific Print Delivery Documents profile can be used by using the format 3;X where X is the Delivery Documents profile ID (e.g. 3;PDD1). If profile is left blank the default profile is used.



Auto trigger next

0: No

1: Yes - Always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering.

1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters: Pick Lists.

Pick List Lines screen

Use this screen to lists open pick list lines based on the selected pick lists in the Pick Lists screen. Pick list lines are sorted by: M3 sort (e.g. Location) / Delivery / Suffix / Pick list reporting no.

Actions move to pack/dock (with/without packing):

  • Only lines with line pick status = pick list pick status are listed
  • No filter on line pack status

Action only packing:

  • Only lines with quantity remaining to pack > 0 are listed
  • No filter on line pick status


  • No filter on line pick or line pack status
  • Action setting is not applicable, always confirm issue

Pick List Lines screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes, Always

2: Yes, if there is only one record in the list

1 0
Balance ID search - Sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container (SSCC)
3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Trigger

0: No

1: Yes

Note: If this parameter is activated, a balance ID search will be triggered for anything that is scanned.
1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters: Pick List Lines.

Report Pick Line screen

Use this screen to report: Move to pack (with/without packing), Move to dock (with/without packing), Packing only or Replenishment.

Report Pick Line screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1: Move to pack location without packing

2: Move to dock location without packing

3: Move to pack location with packing

4: Move to dock location with packing

5: Pack without moving

  • Replenishment orders are always reported as Confirm Issues irrespective of the parameter configuration.
  • Action 5 changes pick line status to 50 if the previous status is 40. If pick line status is 50 or 60 there is no change of status.
  • Replenishment orders is not be listed in the Pick Lists screen if this parameter is set to 5.
4 3
Auto confirm input field data

The input fields:

1: To Location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Packaging

8: Catch weight  

A : No. Requires confirmation by scanning or entering data.

B : Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C : Yes. The field is automatically confirmed, if the suggested data is not .

D : Yes. The field is automatically confirmed, if the suggested data is .

  • If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
  • This parameter is not applicable for location, item, lot, container and quantity after a balance ID search.
2=A;3=B;7=C 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Balance ID browse - Stock zone Any zone P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Auto confirm input field Quantity

0: No

1: Yes

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.
1 0 If Lot or Container field is set to scan
Balance ID search - Force to verify lot and container

Based on the value, the fields are confirmed:

0: No

  • Lot is auto confirmed.
  • Container is auto confirmed.

1: Lot

  • Lot must be scanned.
  • Container is auto confirmed.

2: Container

  • Lot is auto confirmed.
  • Container must be scanned.

3: Lot and Container

  • Lot must be scanned.
  • Container must be scanned.

4: Lot and Container (Only Lot if both Lot+Container)

  • Lot must be scanned always.
  • Container must be scanned if lot field is not displayed.
  • Container is auto confirmed if both lot and container are fields are displayed.

5: Lot and Container (Only Cont if both Lot+Container)

  • Container must be scanned always.
  • Lot must be scanned if container field is not displayed.
  • Lot is auto confirmed if both lot and container fields are displayed.
  • This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.
  • If Lot or Container field is set to be forced to scan, the field must not be set as a balance ID search trigger field since scanning triggers another search.
3 0
Balance ID search - Sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container (SSCC)

3;4 3;4;2;1
Balance ID search - Stock zone

Any zone

P1 Blank (no default)
Balance ID search - Suggest data for input field Quantity

0: Remaining to pick

1: Balance ID on-hand balance

2: Balance ID allocatable (on-hand balance - allocated qty)

3: Balance ID movable (on-hand balance - picklist qty - pending putaway qty)

Note: This parameter is also applicable if balance ID search is triggered from pick list lines screen.
2 1
Balance ID search - Trigger fields

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

Note: Confirmed Location, Lot or Container are used as filters. Item is always used as filter.
2;3;4 Blank (default = no trigger)
Catch weight input

0: Optional

1: Mandatory

1 0
Enable option to browse balance identities

0: No

1: Yes. List all.

2: Yes. List based on allocation rules.

  • If set to 1 or 2 then Browse is enabled for Location, Lot and Container. The Browse button triggers a stock enquiry. Already confirmed input fields (Location, Lot, Container)are used as filters when listing the balance identities. Item is always used as filter regardless if it is confirmed or not.
  • If set to 2 the list only displays balance identities that are allowed according to allocation rules [M3 program MMS124 (Alloc Control Selection Table. Open)].
  • This parameter defaults to 0 (no Browse button is displayed) if parameter Enable option to report deviating balance identity is set to 0 and line is hard allocated.
  • After selecting a balance ID the input field quantity is not affected.
0 1
Enable option to report deviating balance identity

0: No

1: Yes. No check against allocation rules.

2: Yes. Check allocation rules. Warn if not allowed.

3: Yes. Check allocation rules. Error if not allowed.

  • If set to 1, 2 or 3 any data can be scanned in the Location, Lot and Container fields.
  • If set to 2 or 3, a check is performed when pressing Next that selected balance identity, is allowed according to allocation rules [M3 program MMS124 (Alloc Control Selection Table. Open)].
  • For soft allocated pick lines setting 0 work similar as 1.
  • If set to 0 there is no option to browse balance identities.
  • M3 parameter 170 (Partial reporting allowed) in MWS010 (Dispatch Policy. Open) must be set to 3 or higher to allow deviating balance ID.
0 1
Enable option to transfer package in stock

0: No

1: Yes

  • To transfer the package in stock to the outbound delivery M3 parameter 550 (Allocation based packing activated) in MWS010 (Dispatch Policy. Open) must be set to ”1”.
  • If set to 1 the input fields Package and Packaging is auto confirmed with data from the package in stock if the following criteria are met:
    • Container is confirmed with a package in stock
    • Container contains one balance ID only
    • Quantity is confirmed with the full quantity of the balance ID in the container
1 0
Package label print

1: Manual print (function button)

2: Prompt to print when package created

3. Prompt to print when package changed

  • For setting 3 these actions triggers a prompt to print package label:
    • Scan/enter a new package.
    • Reset package field to *AUTO*.
    • After last line reported (since no change will take place).
1;3 1
Package label print profile

Any profile ID

This controls the Print Package Label transaction profile to use when Print Package Label transaction is triggered manually or automatically. If no profile is set, the default profile Print Package Label is used.

Note: This parameter is configured using the profile ID (not the profile name).
PRINT PROFILE A Default profile: Print Package Label
Package number generation

1: Manual input

2: Auto generate. Package field is confirmed with *AUTO* and package is auto generated according to M3 logic.

Note:  If this is set to 2 the Package field is auto confirmed irrespective of the Auto confirm input field data parameter setting.
1 2
Remember input field data

The input fields:

1: To location

2: Package

3: Packaging

The value of the fields can be set to:

A: The value is remembered but not automatically confirmed.

C: The value is remembered on this screen but not auto confirmed.

Blank: The value is not remembered.

Note: The value will be remembered until a new search is performed on the search screen.
1=A;2=D Blank (no remember)
Screen to display after report last line

0: Search Pick Lists

1: Report Pick Lists

1 0
Screen to display after report line

1: Report Pick Line (next line)

2: Pick List Lines

Note: If set to 1 and line is partially reported then the same line will be displayed again (with updated quantity).
2 1
Sequence of input fields

The sequence of input fields:

1: To Location

2: Location

3: Item

4: Lot

5: Container

6: Quantity

7: Package

8: Packaging

9: Catch weight

1;2;6;3;4;7;8 1;2;3;4;5;6;9;7;8
Short pick action

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

4: Prompt for options

Note: If set to 4 the available options is configured using parameter Short pick options.
4 1
Short pick options

1: Keep line open

2: Create backorder

3: Close line

3;1 1;2;3
Suggest data for input field Packaging

Any packaging

*SYS (suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

*AUTO* (suggest packaging as "*AUTO*" and when quantity is confirmed suggest packaging based on M3 settings in MMS053)

  • If set to "*SYS": Packaging will be retrieved from M3 and suggested based on suggested quantity. When quantity is confirmed or re-confirmed packaging will be retrieved again and the suggested packaging will be updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed)
  • If set to "*AUTO*": Packaging will be retrieved from M3 and suggested based on confirmed quantity (packaging field will be suggested with "*AUTO*" until quantity is confirmed). If quantity is re-confirmed packaging will be retrieved again and the suggested packaging will be updated (unless packaging field is already confirmed with something else than "*AUTO*").
  • Setting *AUTO* can be combined with parameter Auto confirm input field data so that Packaging field is auto confirmed with *AUTO* and when quantity is confirmed it retrieves the correct Packaging while field stays confirmed. If no Packaging can be retrieved then the field is set to blank and not confirmed.
*AUTO* Blank
Suggest data for input field To Location

1: Pick line status 40

2: Pick line status 50

3: Pick line status 60

The values are :

A: Blank (nothing suggested)

B: Normal location (MMS002)

C: Pack location (MMS002)

D: Dock location (MMS002)

E: Dock location (cross-dock logic)
  • Any location
1=PACK01;2=D;3=E 1=A;2=A;3=A
Verify input field suggested data

The input fields:

1: To Location

2: Quantity

3: Package

4: Packaging

5: Location

6: Lot

7: Container

The user can set the value of the fields to:

  • A: No. The user can scan any value, and this value is not verified against the suggested value, if the values (scanned and suggested) match.
  • B: Yes. The user can scan any value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.
  • C: Yes. The user can scan any value. A warning message is displayed, if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.
  • D: Yes. The user can scan any value. A warning message is displayed, if the scanned value is lesser than the suggested value.
  • E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.
  • F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.
  • G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be lesser than the suggested value.
  • H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be lesser than the suggested value. The application displays a warning message, if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.
  • I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. The application displays a warning message, if the scanned value is lesser than the suggested value.
  • If data is not specified, the values are defaulted as A.
  • For soft allocated pick lines any Location is allowed regardless of setting 5 (Location).
  • Settings 5, 6 and 7 (Loc, Lot and Cont) are only applicable if pick deviating balance identity is allowed. If deviating ID is not allowed there is an error if deviating value is input.
  • If a deviating balance ID is selected using the browse option then verification is against the originally suggested value. Applies to Loc, Lot and Cont.
  • If a deviating balance ID is selected using balance ID search then any input field that is set to display a warning or error message is suggested but not confirmed with the selected data. No warning or error is displayed. Applies to Loc, Lot and Cont.
  • Only values A, B, and E are applicable in To Location, Package, Packaging, Location, Lot, and Container field.
1=E;2=I 1=A;2=C;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters: Report Pick Line.

List Balance ID screen

Use this screen to list balance identities from a balance ID search triggered in the Pick List Lines screen or in the Report Pick Line screen.

List Balance ID screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Balance ID browse - Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record in list

1 0
Balance ID browse - Hide non-allocatable balance identities

0: No

1: Hide non-allocatable balance IDs

2: Hide non-movable balance IDs

  • If set to 1; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if allocatable net is 0.
  • If set to 2; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if movable net is 0.
0 1
Balance ID browse - Quantity to display

0: Total on-hand balance

1: Allocatable (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

2: Movable (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

1 0
Balance ID search - Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record in list

2 0
Balance ID search - Hide non-allocatable balance identities

0: No

1: Hide non-allocatable balance IDs

2: Hide non-movable balance IDs

  • If set to 1; Balance ID is hidden if the ID is not allocatable or if allocatable net is 0.
  • If set to 2; Balance ID is hidden if ID is not allocatable or if movable net is 0.
0 1
Balance ID search - Quantity to display

0: Total on-hand balance

1: Allocatable (On-hand balance - allocated qty)

2: Movable (On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty)

1 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Report Pick List screen

Use this screen to report one or multiple pick lists as issued, moved to pack or moved to dock.

Report Pick List screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action to report

1: Move to pack location

2: Move to dock location

3: Confirm issue

2 1
Auto confirm input field data

Input field:

1: To Location

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

Note: If no value is suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.
1=B 1=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Suggest data for input field To Location Any location PACK01 Blank (nothing defaulted)
Verify input field suggested data 1. To location    

The values for the field are:

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

Note: Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
1=B 1=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value to the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Pick and Pack Transaction Parameters: Report Pick List.