Report Operation Transaction

You can use the report operation transaction to report manufacturing order operations.

See Configuring Report Operation Transaction parameters, for more information about configuring this transaction.

This transaction comprises of three screens:

To open the report operation transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the transaction, from the main menu.

Search Operations screen

Use this screen to search manufacturing order operations.

Search Operations screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field From date

Numeric value(single) (= no of days back in time)

Operation is included in the search filter, if From date < Operation finish date and To date > Operation start date.

14 300
Default data for input field Operation status

Numeric value (range)

00-89 00-99
Default data for input field To date

Numeric value(single) (= no of days back in time)

Operation is included in the search filter, if From date < Operation finish date and To date > Operation start date.

14 300
Default data for input field Work center

Any work center

DRILL02 Blank
Search field search sequence

1: Report No (Op)

2: Product

3: Order

4: Operation

5: Work Center

6: Lot (MO)

2;3;4 1;2;3;4;5;6
Sequence of filter fields

1: Search

2: Report No (Op)

3: Product

4: Order

5: Operation

6: Work Center

7: Lot (MO)

1;4;6 1;2;3;4;5;6;7
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

List Operations screen

This screen lists operations based on the search peformed in the Search Operations screen.

List Operations screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes - always

2: Yes - if only one record is listed.

2 0
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

Report Operation Screen

Use this screen to report the selected operation.

Report Operation screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
API warnings to suppress 1,2,3,4
Note:  ”1;2;4” will send ”1” in DSP1, DPS2 and DSP4 API fields.
1;3 Blank
Auto confirm input field data

Input fields:

1: Employee

2: Product

3: Manufactured quantity

4: Scrap reason

The user can specify these values for the input fields:

A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank.

D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank.

1=B;2=A 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

1: Employee

2: Product

3. Manufactured quantity

4: Scrap quantity

5: Scrap reason

6: Labor run time

7: Labor setup time

8: Machine run time

9: Machine set up time

1;6;5;4;2;3 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9
Suggest data for input field Employee

Any user or

*USER: Logged on user

Note: *User for logged on user
*USER Blank
Suggest data for input field Quantity

Any quantity or

A: Remaining quantity

A Blank
Suggest data for input field Scrap reason Any Scrap Reason R1 Blank
Verify input field suggested data

1: Employee

2: Manufactured Quantity

A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value.

B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.

C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value.

F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.

G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value.

H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.

I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value.

  • If data is not specified, the value A is defaulted.
  • Values C, D, F, G, H and I are only applicable for numeric input fields.
1=B;2=C 1=A;2=A
Note:  If you do not specify a value for the parameter, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.
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