GraphSetOtherTitleFontDescriptor method (WinStudio scripts)

注:  This topic applies to the graphing tool, which is supported for backward compatibility.  We recommend that, if you want to add charts or gauges to a form, use the newer FusionCharts tool instead. See 「About charts and gauges」.

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, graph objects


Sets the font for other titles found in the graph (titles found on the X- and Y-axes).


object.GraphSetMainTitleFontDescriptor( string )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid graph component object.
string Required. Consists of fourteen comma-separated values:


For more information about these values, see the "Settings" section.


  Setting   Description
Size A decimal value representing the point size.
Weight Range from 0 (non-bold) to 700 (bold).
Italic 0 = Normal text.

1 = Italicized text.

Underline 0 = Text not underlined.

1 = Text underlined.

Strikethrough 0 = Normal text.

1 = Text struck through.

FontFamily Name of the font to be used.


Dim fontDescriptor As String = _
   "12,0,0,0,700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Times New Roman"   ' 12-point bold Times New Roman