ShowSaveFileDialog method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSApplication interface


Opens a standard Windows [Save File] dialog box, optionally passing the path and name of a file to save; and returns the path and file name the user sets.


Application.ShowSaveFileDialog( string1, string2, string3, [ string4, string5 ] )

  Part   Description
string1 Required. By reference, the path and name of the file to be saved.
string2 Required. The text that appears in the title bar of the [Save File] dialog box.
string3 Required. A string containing a pipe-delimited list of file extension filters. These filters control what is displayed in the file selection field.

These filters must each use the format: fileType|*.ext


  • fileType is the name and description of the file type; for example: Text files (*.txt)
  • ext is the three-character extension for that file type; for example: txt

Example: The following example causes the [Files of type] drop-down list in the [Save File] dialog box to include options for JPG, PNG, and All files.

   "JPG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG files (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*.*"

To specify no filters, use an empty string ("").

string4 Optional. The extension that the system should add as the default extension to a file name if no other extension is specified.

For example, suppose you specify "txt" for this string. If a user then specifies MyFile as the file name (with no extension) then the system automatically appends a dot ( . ) and this default extension. In this case, the system returns the file name as MyFile.txt.

If the user does specify an extension, (for example, MyFile.doc or MyFile.txt), then the system appends nothing to the file name.

To specify no default extension, use an empty string ("") for this. In this case, the system adds no extension if the user does not specify one.

If you use this parameter, you must also use string5, and vice versa.

string5 Optional. The full path to the default folder to open when the [Save File] dialog box opens.

Example: C:\Temp\Graphics

If the specified folder does not exist, the system defaults to whatever the "current" folder is.

To specify no default path, use an empty string ("") for this.

If you use this parameter, you must also use string4, and vice versa.


The return is a string containing the path and file name under which the user saved the file.


Public Sub SaveFileDialog()
   Dim FileName As String
   FileName = String.Empty
   Application.ShowSaveFileDialog(FileName, "Save File", _
   "JPG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG files (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*.*", _
   "", "C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper")
   Application.ShowMessage("Test value = " & FileName)
End Sub