DisplayMessage method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Displays a message box. The text of the message can be constructed, in whole or in part, from substitution keywords that are translated into text.


object.DisplayMessage( string1, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid component object.
string1 Required. The text of the message to be displayed. The string can include the following substitution keywords:
  • [%V] or [%v]: The component's value.
  • [%L] or [%l]: The component's label.
  • [%1] - [%9]: Items in string2.
string2 Required. A comma-delimited list of items referenced by the %1 - %9 substitution keywords in string1.

If no substitution keywords are used in string1, use an empty string ("") for this string.


Before displaying the message contained in string1, WinStudio searches string1 for substitution keywords and replaces them with the corresponding data. The data for %V and %L is found in the component object. The data for %1 - %9 is found in string2.


Sub Main()
    Dim oGrid As IWSFormComponent
    oGrid =
    oGrid.DisplayMessage("%1 %L %2
		  %V.", "The selected, is")
 End Sub