SetObjectPropertyInternal method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Sets an object property in a specified IDO collection to a specified internal value.


object.SetObjectPropertyInternal( string1, integer, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
string1 Required. The name of the object property.
integer Required. The index number of an object in the current collection.
string2 Required. The internal value to be assigned to the object property.


This method does not mark the property as "modified" or notify dependents (such as components bound to the property) to refresh.

注:  The difference between this and the SetObjectProperty method is that this one sets the value to a system internal value, whereas the SetObjectProperty method sets it to an interpretable value that might, for instance, be localized.

This is particularly applicable to date/time values. Localized date values can be displayed, for example, as dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, or mm/dd/yy. When such a value is used, the system tries to interpret the appropriate display value for the property. A system internal value, however, uses the format yyyy/mm/dd, and it never changes. So, to use the internal value, your input value must conform to this format.
