InsertGridRows method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, unbound grid components


Inserts one or more rows into an unbound grid component.


object.InsertGridRows( integer1, integer2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid grid component.
integer1 Required. The number of the first row to be inserted.

Row 0 is the row of column titles at the top of the grid component. Row 1 is the first data row.

integer2 Required. The number of rows to insert.


Sub Main()
   Dim oGrid As IWSFormComponent
   Dim iInsertAt As Integer
   Dim iNumRows As Integer
   iInsertAt = 1
   iNumRows = 3
   oGrid = ThisForm.Components( "MrpPlanviewTempsGrid" )
   oGrid.InsertGridRows( iInsertAt, iNumRows )
   Application.DiagnosticsLog(iNumRows.ToString() & _
      " rows inserted at " & iInsertAt.ToString() & "." )
End Sub