ExportCollection method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Exports the contents of a designated IDO collection to a file.

Parallels the [Form] menu option [Export to File].


object.ExportCollection( Boolean1, string, Boolean2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to an IDO collection.
Boolean1 Required. Boolean value that indicates:
  • True means that the output is to be tab-delimited.
  • False means that the output is to be comma-delimited.
string Required. The path and name of the output file.

If you do not specify a full path, the path is relative to the file in which WinStudio.exe is installed.

This method does not create directories.

Boolean2 Required. Boolean value that indicates:
  • TRUE means that the system ignores any record cap and returns all records in the collection. This effectively overrides (for this action) the record set by the system or the user.
  • FALSE means that the system returns only the number of records specified by the record cap in effect on the user's system.


Sub Main()
    ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.ExportCollection(False, "c:\mytemp\Export.csv", False)
End Sub