ExportObjectPropertyAsBlob method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Retrieves a binary large object (BLOB), such as a graphic image, from an object in a specified row of a collection and writes it to a file.


object.ExportObjectPropertyAsBlob( string1, integer, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. An expression that evaluates to the name of an IDO collection object.
string1 Required. The name of a binary property in the collection.
integer Required. Indicates the row in which the specified object exists.

The row number is zero-based. So, for example, if you want to export the BLOB data from the third row, you must use 2 for this integer

string2 Required. The name of the file to which the BLOB is to be written.

This string must include a path. The path can be relative to the directory containing WinStudio.exe.


The difference between this method and the ExportCurrentObjectPropertyAsBlob method is that this method acts on an object in a specified (usually other) row, and ExportCurrentObjectPropertyAsBlob references the currently active object.

This method does not create directories.


Sub Main()
   Dim PropertyName As String
   Dim FileName As String
   PropertyName = "blob_column"
   FileName = "C:\Temp\appGraphics\filter.png"
   ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.ImportObjectPropertyAsBlob(PropertyName, 4, FileName)
   FileName = "C:\Temp\ExportBlob.png"
   ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.ExportObjectPropertyAsBlob(PropertyName, 4, FileName)
End Sub