IsCurrentObjectAutoInsertedAndUnmodified method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the current object is in the automatically inserted row (the autoinsert row) in a grid and its data is unmodified.


object.IsCurrentObjectAutoInsertedAndUnmodified( )

  Part   Description
object Required. The name of a valid IDO collection object.


A return value of:

  • TRUE indicates that the current object is in the autoinsert row and that its data is unmodified.
  • FALSE indicates that either the current object is not in the autoinsert row, that its data has been modified, or both.
注:  This method works only for grid component objects, such as grid columns, and not for the grid objects themselves.

If the specified IDO collection has the focus, use this method. If the specified IDO collection might not have the focus, use the 「IsObjectAutoInsertedAndUnmodified」 method.


Sub Main()
   Dim colObject As IWSIDOCollection
   colObject = ThisForm.Components(GetParameter(0)).IDOCollection
   If colObject.IsCurrentObjectAutoInsertedAndUnmodified() Then
      Application.ShowMessage("The object has been auto-inserted and is unmodified.")
      Application.ShowMessage("The object is either not an auto-insert row" _
      & vbLf & "or it has been modified.")
   End If
End Sub