SetObjectPropertyPlusModifyRefreshInternal method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Sets the value for a property of an object, marks the property as "modified", marks the object as "modified", and notifies any dependents, such as components bound to the property, to refresh.


object.SetObjectPropertyPlusModifyRefreshInternal( string1, long, string2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
string1 Required. The name of a property of an object.
long Required. A long integer that specifies the row number of the object.

The number of the first row in a collection is 0.

string2 Required. The value of the property.


For information about other methods and properties that you can use to set the value of a property or perform one or more of the other operations performed by this method, see the related topics.

This method is equivalent to executing the following four methods:

  • SetObjectProperty
  • SetObjectPropertyModified
  • SetObjectModified
  • NotifyDependentsToRefresh


Sub Main()
   If ThisForm.Variables("EnteredValue").Value <> _
      ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.GetObjectProperty("TaskDescription", 1) Then
      ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.SetObjectPropertyPlusModifyRefreshInternal _
         ("TaskDescription", 1, ThisForm.Variables("EnteredValue").Value)
   End If
End Sub