
Supplier Exchange displays part information based on the customer part number. The parts component is a list of all the customer parts for which demand was sent. If the customer sends it, a part description is included.

In the parts components, you can enter the supplier part number and a description for each part. You can select default containers and packaging per part. Default packaging can be company wide or based on facility and Ship To.

Creating default packaging information greatly streamlines the shipper process. If importing shippers, default packaging must be established in the parts component. When creating a shipper, you can override the default by selecting a different container from the list. If a default container is not yet set, the container you select when creating the shipper becomes the default.

Select Setup > Define Parts to work with part numbers and descriptions. You can add, edit, or delete default packaging that is used on shippers and Advance Ship Notices if the customer requires containers to be included.

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