Parts page: Detail

Use the Part page to view or update the part details.

Customer Part Number
Customer assigned part number
Unit of Measure
The unit to measure the quantity of the part.
Customer-defined description of the part.
Supplier Part Number
Supplier assigned part number. If the customer sends a supplier part number for purchase orders, it displays in this field. If the supplier updates the field, the supplier-entered data overrides the customer information and the field becomes fixed. The supplier can then update the field at any time.
Part Weight Unit of Measure
How the Part Weight is being measured. For example, KG for kilograms, LB for pounds.
Part Price
The charge or cost of a unit of the specified part.
A supplier-entered description of the part.
Part Weight
The weight of one part. Used in calculating net weight on shippers.
Assured Quality Part.
The currency in which charges and other monetary amounts are specified.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Template Code
The alphanumeric code of the template. The template code is defined for the package.
The description or name of the code.
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