Supplier profile

The supplier account setup includes all of the components that store company-wide information.

  • Mandatory Components
    • Ship From Records

      During Supplier Registration, one Ship From record is created. An additional Ship From record must be created for every location from which shipments are sent.

      The Ship From record contains information about the shipping origin, including the address and default transit time between it and customer destination, or Ship To. (The transit time can be automatically generated from information entered on the shipper when it is created, but the default can be updated only in the Ship From record.) The Ship From address displays on shippers and ASNs.

    • Profile Record

      Each supplier company has a single set of preferences that personalize Supplier Exchange to fit current business practices. The preferences set in the Supplier Profile include settings for purchase orders and shippers that determine how Supplier Exchange is used throughout the company.

    • Security

      The application security contains individual user account information. Each user can have and maintain a personal account, but that account is controlled through the security component. Only administrator users (admin) can use the security component to add users or update existing accounts.

      If you are acting as the admin, you create roles, restriction groups, and users. The roles and restriction groups ensure that users can access the components of Supplier Exchange for the locations for which they are responsible. You assign each user an ID and password that can be used to log in to Supplier Exchange, a role, and optionally a restriction group.

  • Optional Components
    • Demand - Ship From Associations

      Each supplier company must establish a default Ship From, or shipping origin, for each demand item. Demand is defined by the customer's demand key, which is at its core a facility, Ship To, and part number combination. You can either establish this information up front or as shippers are created.

      When you create a shipper from demand, only demand that is associated to the selected Ship From or that does not yet have an association can be added to the shipper. If you create a shipper for demand that does not have a default Ship From, the Ship From used for the shipper becomes the default. After being established, the default can be changed only through the Assign Ship Froms option.

    • Containers

      You can only enter and maintain container information if your customer maintains a list of accepted containers in Supplier Exchange. These are containers in which the customer usually receives shipments. You can add information to these files to keep the list consistent between you and your customer.

    • Parts

      As the customer publishes demand, the part information is saved in the database. You can link your own part information to the customer part information. You can then select default packaging (selected from the list of Containers, above). The default packaging is automatically applied to the part when you create a shipper. (You can edit the container information on the shipper if the default packages are not accurate for the shipment.)

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