Delivery Performance Reviews

Customers can notify suppliers of delivery issues by creating and publishing a Delivery Performance Review (DPR). DPRs rely on customer-defined reason codes to assign demerits for early or late shipments, over or under quantities, and other delivery issues. The demerit system helps customers to track performance based on the severity of issues, not just the number of issues. Customers have the option of manually creating DPRs through the application or sending (importing) DPR files into the application.

On the DPR, customers can require suppliers to respond with the corrective action taken to correct the delivery problem. The customer may require the supplier to fill out and attach a DPR Corrective Action Form. The customer can then accept or reject the corrective action. When a corrective action is accepted, the DPR moves from an open to a closed status. If no corrective action is required, the DPR moves directly to a closed status when it is published.

The DPR module is fully integrated into the application. Through the Preferences menu, users can select to receive DPR alerts and to view DPR events on the Event Management console. DPRs are included in the Metric module to be optionally included in metric performance evaluations.

Note:  The claim amount can be modified after the DPR is published. The claim amount cannot be modified after the DPR is closed.
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