Importing a dimension structure from a text file

To import a dimension from a text file, create a text file with the the structure of this example:

	C	Specialist Stores 
		Partner 1	1.000000 
		Partner 2	1.000000 
		Partner 3	1.000000 
		Partner 4	1.000000 
	N	Sales Department 
	N	Partner 1 
	N	Partner 2 
	N	Partner 3 
	N	Partner 4 

In the first column, the base elements are designated by N and consolidated elements by C.

The first column is left blank for elements that comprise a consolidated element. They are listed beneath the C elements and have a weighting which, if other than 1, is shown in the third column.

Name the file with the name of the dimension you want to create. The file must have the .TXT extension.

Save the file in: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infor\BI\OLAP\Transfer\

Note: A dimension can contain 10,000,000 elements and 127 levels.
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