Creating dimensions

A dimension is a list of related elements, and you cannot create one unless you also create at least one element.

SeeCreating elements.

You can create elements in the Create Dimension dialog when you create the dimension. Or, you can create a dimension with just one element and import the remaining elements from an external source, such as Excel. This is useful if the dimension is to contain a large number of elements. You can also copy elements from another dimension into a new dimension.

To create a dimension and its elements:

  1. Click Dimensions in the Database group on the ribbon.
  2. Select the database alias under which to create the dimension and click New Dimension
  3. Specify a dimension name of eight characters or fewer.
    Note: These characters are not allowed in dimension names: /\:*?"><|'[]();!, spaces.
  4. Specify a description of 63 characters or fewer.
  5. Create one or more elements.
  6. To specify the display of the dimension structure in the Dimension Browser, click Properties.
    1. To display the dimension in a flat view, click Flat view.
    2. To display consolidated elements at the bottom of the hierarchy instead of at the top, click Inverted hierarchy.
    3. In the Dimensions and Subsets dialog, click Properties to specify the display options.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Yes to create the dimension.
    Note: Changes made to dimensions or new dimensions are only permanently saved to disk when you save the entire dimension or when you save the dimensions in the Dimensions and Subsets dialog. You can experiment with changing dimensions, without making the changes permanent.
    See Saving and discarding dimension changes.