Creating elements

You create elements in the Create Dimension dialog.

There are four types of element. SeeTypes of element.

To create an element:

  1. Right-click the main area of the dialog and select New Top-level Element.
  2. Specify a name for the element and press <Enter>.
    To speed the process of creating a number of elements, a new element box is automatically created below each element you create. If you do not want to create a further element, or you want to create a different type of element, press <Esc> to remove the blank row.
    Note: An element name can have a maximum of 72 characters. Spaces are allowed in element names. These characters are not allowed in element names: ', [ ], and ; in order to avoid rules problems.
  3. Click New Child or New Sibling to add further elements.
  4. Press <Esc> to stop creating elements.