Viewing discrete purchase orders

You can view published discrete purchase orders (POs) through Supplier Exchange. Depending on the customer configuration, you can either accept/reject the entire PO or accept/reject specific line items. You can place items on backorder to be shipped at a later time.

To view discrete POs:

  1. Select Demand > Discrete POs.
  2. Select the search criteria.
  3. Click Search.
  4. To view the details of the purchase order, click View.
  5. To see line item detail, click View.
  6. To accept or reject the PO, click either the Accept All or Reject All button.
  7. To accept or reject the PO line item, select the status.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. To backorder parts, in the Disposition table specify the backorder quantity.
  10. Specify the backorder date.
  11. Click Submit.
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