Purchase Order page

Use the Purchase Order page to view the purchase order details.

The name of the destination that is issuing a demand, to which parts are sent.
Ship To
The name of the shipping destination to which parts are sent.
The company that is issuing a demand to which parts are shipped.
PO (Purchase Order) Number
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
Current PPO (Proposed Purchase Order) Number
The current number of the proposed purchase order, from which the discrete purchase order is generated.
Number associated to the file in which the purchase order was sent.
PO (Purchase Order) Date
The date the purchase order is created.
PPO (Proposed Purchase Order) Number
The number of the proposed purchase order, from which the discrete purchase order is generated. You can click the number to view the proposed purchase order details.
Indicates if "test" document was published in a Supplier Exchange test environment.
Generation Date
The date field used to indicate the date the Proposed Purchase Order is generated, if different from the Proposed PO (purchase order) date.
Contact Name
The name of the customer contact associated with the demand.
Contact Phone Number
Telephone number at which the customer contact can be reached.
Contact Email
The mail ID of the customer contact.
Method of Payment
The payment terms for transportation charges.
Terms Discount
The discount percentage determined by the customer and supplier prior to purchasing goods. Available to the customer if an invoice is paid on or before the Terms Discount Due Date.
Terms Disc. Days
The number of days in the terms discount period within which the discount can be applied.
The currency in which charges and other monetary amounts are specified.
Tax ID
The number assigned to a company by a taxing jurisdiction (state, county, and so on.). This number can be the same as the Tax Exempt ID number.
Tax Exempt
The code identifying exemption status from sales and use tax.
Tax Exempt ID
The number assigned to a customer by a taxing jurisdiction (state, county, etc.). This number can be the same as the Tax ID number.
State Tax (%)
Tax percentage charged per the state taxing jurisdiction.
City Tax (%)
Tax percentage charged per the city taxing jurisdiction.
Country Tax (%)
Tax percentage charged per the country taxing jurisdiction.
The purchase order line number.
The status of the purchase order. This field can have the following values:
  • Pending. PO (purchase order) has been sent by the customer, but the supplier has not viewed the PO (purchase order).
  • Open. At least one line item has been accepted by the supplier.
  • Closed. All line items have been shipped in full.
  • Cancelled. All line items have been cancelled by the customer.
  • Rejected. All line items have been rejected by the supplier.
  • All. Lists all statuses except Closed.
Customer Part
The part number as defined by the customer.
Supplier Part
The part number as defined by the supplier.
Req. Date
The date the parts are required.
The code representing the dock at the shipment destination.
The number of parts required by the customer.
U of M
Unit of Measure. Abbreviation that indicates how the part is ordered; Example, by individual unit, hundreds, thousands, foot, yards, gallons, pair, etc. Common unit of measure abbreviations are EA (each), PC (piece), HU (hundreds), TH (thousands).
The quantity previously shipped against the ordered quantity.
The quantity placed on backorder to be shipped at a later date.
Unit Price
The price per specified unit of measure.
Ext. Price
The total price of the line item. Extended price is the unit price multiplied by ordered quantity. This data is can be sent by the customer or calculated by the system. The total extended price must be sent by the customer.
The status of the PO line item. If suppliers can only accept or reject at the PO level, the line item status will display the PO status. Allowed values:
  • Pending. PO has been sent by the customer, but the supplier has not viewed the PO.
  • Open. At least one line item has been accepted by the supplier.
  • Closed. All line items have been shipped in full.
  • Cancelled. All line items have been cancelled by the customer.
  • Rejected. All line items have been rejected by the supplier.
  • All. Lists all statuses except Closed
The schedule information as defined by the customer for the specific part.
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