Adding master and detail containers

To add master and detail containers:

  1. On the shipper, in the line item to be edited, click the Containers button.
  2. To add a master container, in the Master Container List click Add.
    If default packaging exist for the part, master and detail containers are added so that the ship quantity is equal to the quantity in containers. If default packaging does not yet exist, the Master Container Information page displays.
  3. Specify the master container information.
  4. To add additional packaging data to the master container, click Add in the Master additional packaging List table. You can define additional packaging data only if the detail container data is defined.
  5. To add detail containers to the master, in the Detail Container List click Add.
  6. Specify the detail container information.
  7. To add additional packaging data to the detail container, click Add in the Detail Additional Packaging Information table.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Save.