Security restrictions

Administrator users create restriction groups to assign to users. Restriction groups are an optional user attribute that define which data types a user can access. A single restriction group can be assigned to multiple users. If a user does not have a restriction group, they can access all of the Supplier Exchange data. Changes in the restriction group affect every user assigned to that group.

Using restrictions, the administrator can choose to restrict a user or group of users to a particular set of data. For example, a user can be restricted to only data for a certain facility and Ship To combination.

Some levels of restriction are dependent upon a restriction at a higher level:

  • To make a Ship To restriction, you must first restrict at the facility level.
  • To make a facility restriction, you must first restrict at the customer level.

Select Security > Define Restrictions to work with restriction groups. After a restriction group is created, it can be assigned to a user.

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