Security roles

As the security administrator, you can optionally define roles to grant/restrict access to the application and then assign the roles to users. Every user (except for admin) must have one and only one role. A single role can be assigned to multiple Supplier Exchange users. Changes in the role affect every user assigned that role. Templates are provided that can be assigned directly to users or on which the administrator can base newly created roles.

Roles provide users access to Supplier Exchange functionality at two levels:

  • Categories. Categories correspond to the main menu tabs in Supplier Exchange and groups of tasks. If a role has an implemented category, the users assigned the role have access to the category on the menu tab. For example, if Demand is implemented, the Demand tab will display for every user assigned the role. If Demand is not an implemented category, the Demand tab is not visible.
  • Modules. Each category has several modules. Modules correspond to submenu items and task variations of the submenu items. For the module to be implemented for the role, the category it belongs to must be implemented. For example, if Demand is implemented, you can choose to select any of the Demand modules: Summary, View Demand (task under Releases), Edit Demand (task under Update Schedule), Purchase Orders, ASN History, and Receipts. The users will be able to access and perform the tasks in the selected modules.

Templates are provided that can be assigned to users or used as a basis for creating new roles. When creating a role from a template, select the template and then apply it to the current role. After the template has been applied, you can modify the role.

Select Setup > Security > Define Roles to work with roles.