Invoice profile

To help streamline manual invoice creation, the supplier can set up their Invoice Profile. The information entered is used to auto-fill information on the invoice upon creation based on Ship From, facility, and Ship To. This set up is optional. If the supplier does not set up the Invoice Profile, all information contained in the profile must be manually entered on the invoice by the supplier. Billing information cannot be manually entered on the invoice. It can only be pulled from the Invoice Profile.)

Some of the information is set company-wide, some is set at the Ship From level, and some is set at the Ship To level. Ship From level means that a record is created for all Ship Froms and then for specific Ship Froms. Ship To level means that a record is create for all facilities/all Ship Tos, specific facility/all Ship Tos, and finally specific facility/specific Ship Tos. The Invoice Profile is accessed from the supplier's Billing menu.

The supplier can define this in the invoice profile:

  • Tax codes. From the customer's list of tax codes, the supplier selects the codes that apply to the supplier company. This makes the available tax code list more manageable for the supplier when making additional tax code selection in the invoice module.
  • Billing information. Set at the Ship From level. The billing information includes the tax ID, Remit To address, and Inquiry address.
  • Handling information. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level. The handling information includes a fee to be applied to the invoice as well as a tax code to be applied to the handling fee.
  • Shipping information. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level. The shipping information is the shipping cost and a tax code to be applied to the shipping cost.
  • Invoice discount. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level with an additional option to set by PO Number. The invoice discount is a discount percentage to be applied to the part costs.
  • Surcharge. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level with an additional option to set by PO Number. The surcharge is an additional amount to be added to the invoice total.
  • Invoice tax. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level. The invoice tax is the tax code to be applied to the total part costs.
  • Part tax. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level and then additionally by part. The part tax is a tax code to be applied to specific line items on an invoice.
  • Part discount. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level and then additionally by part. The part discount is a bulk discount amount. Suppliers can set quantities at which various percent discounts will be applied to the line item on an invoice.
  • Terms of sale. Set at the Ship From and Ship To level. The terms of sale include terms discount information: Terms Discount Percent, Terms Discount Days, etc.
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