Editing weights for a report

If, after metrics generation, supplier scores are not spread out, you can edit the weights. By changing the weights you can create a distribution of scores, which provides more insight into supplier performance comparisons. Editing weights affects only the last generated metrics report. It does not change the weights on past or future reports. To change the weights for future reports, set up the metric settings.

You cannot edit the weights after a report has been published.

To edit weights:

  1. Select Supplier Performance > Edit Weights.
  2. In the Category Scores table, click Edit next to the category to be edited.
  3. For each test update the percentages for each rating.
  4. For each test update the points for each rating. With the points, you can weight certain tests and categories as being more important to the overall score. For example, if schedule adherence is more important than receiving accuracy, enter a higher point value for adherence. When the overall score is calculated, adherence will be given more weight.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Next to the Custom Metrics category, click Edit.
  7. Next to the Custom Metric to be edited, click Edit.
  8. Update the points for each rating.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. When all custom metrics have been updated, click Continue.
  11. In the Overall Score table, click Edit.
  12. Update the points for each rating.
  13. Click Submit.