Schedule Search Criteria page

Use the Schedule Search Criteria page to define the search criteria.

Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Customer Part
Part number as established by the customer.
Published Since
The date after which demand was issued.
Document Type
The type of release in which demand was sent, i.e. SMI Signal, eKanbanSignal, MaterialRelease, or ShippingSchedule.
Requirement Type
Whether the requirement is for planning or production. Selected as either Firm or Planning.
Whether or not the demand has been fulfilled by the supplier.
Net Change
The net change that is exceeded by the demand. To filter by net change, select Net Change and enter a percentage in the field that is displayed.
Show Part List
Whether or not the part list displays in addition to the demand list.
List Obsolete Parts
If this check box is selected, the obsolete parts list is displayed.
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