Demand: Net Changes page

View net changes on the demand.

Customer Part
Part number as established by the customer.
Customer Part Description
Customer-defined information about the part.
Supplier Part
Part number as established by the supplier.
PO Number
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
PO Line Number
The purchase order number associated to the line item requirements.
Code representing the dock at the shipment destination (Ship To).
Ship/Delivery Code
Whether the requirement date is when the part is due to be shipped (SH) or when it is due to be delivered (DL).
Engineering Level
Customer defined code indicating the required version of the part that is associated to the requirements.
Model Year
Code associated with the part that indicates to which run it belongs.
Generation Date
The date the release or purchase order was created by the customer.
Publish Date
Date the release was sent (imported).
Number associated with the release that contained the schedule. To view the schedule for a different release, select the release from the drop down menu and click the View button.
Part Release Status Code
The status of the part at the time of the release. For example, a B (balance out) can indicate that the part is being phased out or a F (final code) can indicate that this is the final release for the part.
Raw Material Start
Date tracking of the Raw Material Amount starts.
Raw Material Amount
The amount of material the supplier is authorized to purchase.
Fabrication Start
Date tracking of the Fabrication Amount starts.
Fabrication Amount
The quantity of parts above the firm and planning requirements that the supplier is authorized to have on hand.
Last Shipper ID
Shipper number of the last shipment received by the customer that contained the part.
Last Received Date
The date the last shipment for the part was received.
Last Received Quantity
Quantity of the part received in the last shipment.
CUM Required Prior
The total number of parts requested before the release was published.
CUM Received
The total number of parts that are either shipped or staged. Supplier Exchange calculates the value based on the inbound schedules and value specified by the admin user in the Additional CUM Fulfillment field of the Characteristic Set.
Requirement Start Date
Depending on the Ship Delivery Code, the date by which the parts must be shipped or delivered to the customer.
Requirement Type
Whether the requirement is for planning or production. Selected as either FIRM or PLAN.
Current CUM
The total number of parts in store on the start date.
CUM Required Prior
The total number of parts requested before the start date.
Previous Qty
Previous quantity required on the start date.
Net Change
The net change that is exceeded by the demand. Calculated by subtracting the current quantity with the previous quantity.
% Change
Calculated by dividing the net change by the previous quantity and multiplying by a hundred.