Requirement Information page

Use the Requirement Information page to view the requirement details.

Pull Signal
Code defined by the customer and associated with the requirement; for example, RAN (receipt authorization number), DON (delivery order number), or KANBAN. Generally when a pull signal is used by the customer, the exact requirement must be shipped, and the pull signal must be printed on the shipper and published on the ship notice. This field can be labeled differently based on a customer-defined label.
Requirement Date
Due date for the parts. This date can be the date the parts are to be shipped, or the date the parts are to be delivered, depending on the Ship Delivery Code on the schedule's release information. DL indicates a delivery date and SL indicates a ship date.
How often the parts are due. Requirement frequency is either W (weekly) or D (daily)
The number of parts necessary to fulfill the requirement.
Whether the requirement is for planning or production. Selected as either FIRM or PLAN.
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