StdWebLocationInfoReceived event

This event occurs when the  browser returns the device's location information. This event is used in conjunction with Get Location from Browser event.

This event is for the web client only.

These form variables are set:

Form variable Description
StdLocationPosition The device's location in latitude and longitude, in decimal notation (for example, "42.571523299999996, -82.8217975"). This variable has no value if an error is encountered.
StdLocationElapsedTime The time in seconds since the location has been updated. This variable has no value if an error is encountered.

The error code returned. This variable can have any of these values:

  • [PERMISSION_DENIED]: The retrieval of the location information failed because the page has no permission to do so.
  • [POSITION_UNAVAILABLE]: The retrieval of the location information failed because the internal source of position returned an error.
  • [TIMEOUT]: The time allowed to acquire the location information was reached before the location information is obtained.
  • [NOREPLY]: The user has not responded to the request after the Timeout Value lapsed.