StdFormExitOK event

Occurs when the user clicks [Close and Save Changes] on the [Form] menu.

The default implementation in non-query forms performs validations on the data and, if no validation error occurs, saves any changed data. If the form definition contains unsaved changes, WinStudio then prompts the user to save any changes to the definition before closing the form. In Design Mode, WinStudio saves any changes to the form definition and then prompts the user to save any unsaved application data before closing the form.

In a basic form without a subcollection or custom event handlers, the default implementation fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdFormExitOk
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdFormPutBoundValues
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdFormSave
  • StdFormPutBoundValues
  • StdObjectSave
  • StdObjectSaveCompleted
  • StdFormSaveCompleted
  • StdFormClose

In query forms, the standard implementation retrieves the property values and operators of the current filter from the components on the form, sets the filter criteria of the form from the filter object, and then proceeds with normal [OK] processing.

The default implementation in a typical query form without custom event handlers fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdFormExitOk
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdFormPutBoundValues
  • StdFormCalledFormReturned
  • StdFormClose
  • StdFormRefresh
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdObjectRefresh
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectRefreshCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormRefreshCompleted

Your application can call the default implementations by generating the event.