StdFormCalledFormReturned event

Occurs after the user closes a modal child form with [OK] rather than [Cancel] and before the form closes.

In the default implementation, if the child form was invoked for a Find or Add operation, WinStudio updates the current component on the parent form with the selected value on the child form. If the child form was called to retrieve a filter specification, as in the Filter by Query operation, then WinStudio sets the filter specification of the parent form's current collection with the child form's filter specification and refreshes the parent form's current collection.

In a typical query form, for example, WinStudio fires the following events when the user clicks [Close and Save Changes] ([OK]) on the [Form] menu:

  • StdFormExitOk
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdFormPutBoundValues
  • StdFormCalledFormReturned
  • StdFormClose
  • StdFormRefresh
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdObjectRefresh
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectRefreshCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormRefreshCompleted

Your application cannot call the default implementation by generating the event.


The event fires while the child form is still active and the values associated with it are available to other forms.