StdFormRefresh event

Occurs when the user clicks [Refresh] on the [Actions] menu.

The default implementation retrieves the collection from the middle-tier IDO, subject to any current filter criteria. WinStudio then displays the retrieved values in the form.

In a basic form without a subcollection or custom event handlers, the default implementation fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdFormRefresh
  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdObjectRefresh
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectRefreshCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormRefreshCompleted

Your application can call the default implementation by generating the event.


The default implementation is a form-level operation. The operation refreshes the current collection and any subcollections associated with it on the form. When a subcollection is current, the operation refreshes only that subcollection.

A StdObjectRefresh event is fired before each collection is refreshed.

In query forms, the default implementation retrieves the attributes of the current filter from the components on the form (values, operators, and so forth), sets the filter criteria of the form from the filter object, and then performs the normal refresh operation.