StdCurCompAdd event

Occurs when the user clicks [Add Value for Current Field] on the [Edit] menu.

The default implementation opens the [Maintain-from] form specified in the [Form Component Properties] dialog box and performs a New operation in the opened form.

In a form without custom event handlers, the default implementation fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdCurCompAdd
  • StdFormPredisplay
  • StdObjectNew
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectNewCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormNewCompleted

Your application can call the default implementation by generating the event.


In the sequence of events above, all events after StdCurCompAdd occur in the [Maintain-from] child form.

Before your application can call the default implementation, it must set the focus to the desired component.