StdFormSave event

Occurs when the user clicks [Save] on the [Actions] menu.

The default implementation sends all changed object data in collections and subcollections on a form to the middle-tier IDO, which commits the changes to the SQL Server database.

In a basic form without a subcollection or custom event handlers, the default implementation fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdFormGetBoundValues
  • StdFormPerformValidations
  • StdFormValidationsCompleted
  • StdFormSave
  • StdFormPutBoundValues
  • StdObjectSave
  • StdObjectSaveCompleted
  • StdFormSaveCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues

Your application can call the default implementation by generating the event.


The default implementation is a form-level operation.

The StdFormSave event is fired once per Save operation. It is not fired for each row in a collection or subcollection, and it is not fired for each collection and subcollection on a form. An event handler intended to operate on each row should not be assigned to the StdFormSave event. An event handler that performs row-level validations, for example, should normally be executed on the StdFormPerformValidations event.

The StdObjectSave event is fired once for each collection and subcollection in a Save operation.
