StdCurCompFind event

Occurs when the user clicks [Find Value for Current Field] on the [Edit] menu.

The default implementation performs a find for the current component based on the Find-from specification set in the [Form Component Properties] dialog box. WinStudio launches the specified form (usually a query form), disables the current form until the user exits that form, and, if the user selects [OK], places the value of the specified property in the current component.

In a form without custom event handlers, the default implementation fires the following sequence of standard events:

  • StdCurCompFind
  • StdFormPredisplay
  • StdObjectNew
  • StdObjectSelectCurrent
  • StdObjectSelectCurrentCompleted
  • StdObjectNewCompleted
  • StdFormLoadBoundValues
  • StdFormLoadDerivedValues
  • StdFormNewCompleted

Your application can call the default implementation by generating the event.


In the sequence of events above, all events after StdCurCompFind occur in the maintenance child form.

Before your application can call the default implementation, it must set the focus to the desired component.

Generation of most events is disabled in Filter-in-Place mode. The StdCurCompFind event is an exception and can be generated in Filter-in-Place mode to call its handler. When this event is generated, the restriction on generating events in Filter-in-Place mode is lifted and an event handler can generate any other event and allow its handlers to execute.