StdFormGetBoundValues event

Occurs during the execution of most standard operations, such as navigation of a collection or subcollection and the Save, Refresh, Validate, and New operations. The event also occurs after the user clicks [Find Value in Collection], [Replace Value in Collection], or [Sort Collection] on the [Edit] menu.

The default implementation retrieves the current values of all bound components.

Your application cannot call the default implementation by generating the event.


You can use the event to implement your own binding, in which your application moves data between a temporary data store of some type and a particular component. When the event is generated, your handler should check whether the data in the component is modified and then transfer any modified data to your temporary storage for the current object in the collection.

Because the event occurs in many WinStudio operations of various kinds, you should exercise caution in overriding the default implementation with custom event handlers.
