Creating cubes and data areas

Cubes are the components of an OLAP Server database that actually contain data. A cube is a collection of dimensions combined into a multidimensional matrix.

A data area is an area of a cube comprising subsets of one or more dimensions. In the same way that subsets restrict your view to certain groups of elements in a dimension, data areas restrict you to a certain area within a cube.

See data area

The dimensions used to create a cube may already exist (dimensions can be used in several cubes at once) or you may need to create them. The dimensions themselves are collections of related elements.

If the dimensions you need for creating a cube already exist see Creating cubes.

If the dimensions do not exist, or need to be edited, see Creating dimensions.

Office Plus has two methods of importing large amounts of data into cubes (and for importing elements into dimensions ). These are Quick Import and Process Data.

See these topics: